To save time, Google George Rekers. In a long list of closeted homosexuals participating in public acts of righteous behavior, I feel these people need some clinical help. Even being a psychologist, Mr. Rekers fails to diagnose himself for what he really is. These self loathing, self hating meanies are all victims of Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD. Politics and religion aside, why else would these individuals participate in such a public forum against their very nature? True, there are some homosexuals that don't believe in gay marriage. There even may be homosexuals who think they should not be allowed to adopt. But to express that there is something wrong on a more intrinsic level of their being suggest self hatred in it's most basic definition. Of course, George Rekers is only one of many. It is a sad day when homosexuals who in fighting for the civil rights have to not only fight the close minded bigot heterosexuals but then to have to fight their own kind is downright pathetic. I say we have all these closet cases committed and get them help. Lord knows they need it.