Thursday, May 13, 2010

To Diagnose or Not To Diagnose

To save time, Google George Rekers. In a long list of closeted homosexuals participating in public acts of righteous behavior, I feel these people need some clinical help. Even being a psychologist, Mr. Rekers fails to diagnose himself for what he really is. These self loathing, self hating meanies are all victims of Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD. Politics and religion aside, why else would these individuals participate in such a public forum against their very nature? True, there are some homosexuals that don't believe in gay marriage. There even may be homosexuals who think they should not be allowed to adopt. But to express that there is something wrong on a more intrinsic level of their being suggest self hatred in it's most basic definition. Of course, George Rekers is only one of many. It is a sad day when homosexuals who in fighting for the civil rights have to not only fight the close minded bigot heterosexuals but then to have to fight their own kind is downright pathetic. I say we have all these closet cases committed and get them help. Lord knows they need it.

Friday, April 9, 2010

To Change or Not To Change

I find that I am at a crossroads. I just finished reading a blog post which you can read here. It was written by my friend Nan. I commented on her posting that I thought the piece was beautiful. I also think about the timing. At this point in my life, I read her post about change. About people coming into your life and changing forever the path you follow.

You see, I am at a point where a life changing moment hangs in the balance of one decision facing me.

A little background. I am happily partnered to a beautiful man. This July will be 10 years that we have been together. In Gay years this would equal to about 1,000 years. I believe we can not help who we love or who loves us. In our situation, he is illegally in this country. Our time has come. He has been found out and will be deported sometime soon. Of course you can see my dilemma. Do I forge a new life with him in his home country of Mexico? Or do I part ways and seek to build a new life for myself here, in the USA? Do I split my time between here and there, working while I am here to support us over there? What do I do? Ten years ago, my life changed dramatically. I met the man of my dreams. Or at least it seemed(I think there's a song in there somewhere).

I jokingly told him I would gladly spend the next ten years in his country. But can I really promise that in good faith? There are other complications to this situation but too personal to divulge here. In other words, there are extenuating circumstances where it might be best to just split and go out separate ways. But my heart won't have any of that at this time. Only time will tell I guess.

Right now, I am sitting in our living room in our new apartment in our new hometown of Austin. A town I barely got to know but a town I am surely going to miss. We had high expectations of our move to Austin. We didn't know that by moving here we were setting in motion events that would change our lives forever. Literally!!

I feel my life is in limbo right now. I don't know which way to turn. I guess I will visit for a time down there and see if I can acclimate to my new surroundings. I have been there before and the experience was not a good one. I was sick the whole time with elevation sickness. I know this because on the bus ride back, as soon as I crossed the border, I was fine. Now this could of been all psychosomatic hence the need to return. So wish me luck and I travel this new leg of my life's journey. They say just plug your nose and jump on in. Well, get ready.

Monday, April 5, 2010

To Molest or Not to Molest

Or rather, To Tell or Not to Tell should be the more appropriate title of this post. Twenty, thirty years after the first rash of child molestation cases came out against the Catholic Church, these charges are resurfacing as a new generation of priests are prowling around looking for their next victim. Sorry, but I am too lazy right now to include links to various stories detailing the current crop of scandals rocking the Catholic Church. Just Google it and make your own assessment.

From what I understand, the Pope at one point in his service to the Church was involved in cover-ups for priests under his watch molesting youngsters. He even sent a letter detailing the fact that they all needed to come together and help cover up these indiscretions. It is appalling that in addition to his denial of the Holocaust he now is caught covering up heinous crimes committed towards helpless victims. The Pope is DENYING any knowledge of what was going on during his watch. Now they are coming out to say that some of the boys were actually above the age of 18 so they could not be counted in the molestation cases. Are you EFFING kidding me? They need to look up the word RAPE and figure out that age has nothing to do with it.

Now, what gets me going on this topic iare the particulars behind even the media spin on the situation. It is expected to have the leaders of the Church to come out with some sinful explanation and how no one is perfect and that everyone commits immoral acts. The fact of the matter remains that while we hear about the "boys" being molested we never hear about the girls. We never hear about the child molesters who target girls because that's not news worthy enough. What is new worthy is to classify the offending molester as HOMOSEXUAL therefore backing up their claim that HOMOSEXUALITY is a breeding ground of sexual deviant behavior. So in highlighting only the male on male molestations, this will ensure to further drive the agenda of the anti-gay movement. It will also serve as a great driving force in further covering up the actions of those in charge. When will we learn that it's all lies. It's all a smokescreen to cover up their real agenda. They want to rule. They want to be able to do as they please and every so often send out a hate filled message condemning another group of people to divert attention away from the real ugly truth behind religion. There is NO RELIGION! There is only greed, ego and politics. These are the driving forces behind every Religions need to dominate. These are the driving force behind almost every war!

The Vatican needs to declare Catholicism a null and void institution. Just like a marriage can be annulled, the people should just get an annulment from the church. Like it never happened. Cover it up.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Would you have voted if you knew...

the true identity of who you voted for? With all these politicians coming out of the closet and claiming they voted against gay rights in order to satisfy their constituents, doesn't it seem odd that if they had been honest in the first place, they might not have their job?
Do you really think a conservative population who is against gay marriage would vote a homosexual into office? I think not. So when talking about outing a politician for being gay and voting against gay rights, this argument does not hold water.

More and more politicians are finding the climate they inhabit in becoming increasing intolerant of their behavior. Whereas, years gone by, the reporter doing a story might have overlooked a few indiscretions, now a days, these indiscretions are top of the hour news stories. We have become obsessed with everything non-news. While I certainly think it important to out these shameless fools, I don't think they deserve weeks and weeks of coverage. Just like their hetero counterparts, I say out them, let the heads roll then be done with it. That's what I have to say about the topic.